F&H Consultants, P.C.
Engineers & Construction Consultants
Camp Fretterd Military Reservation
Electrical Engineering
Reisterstown, Maryland
Square Footage:
Entire Site

The project consisted of replacement of existing pole mounted light fixtures, addition of new pole and wall mounted light fixtures serving the roadways, parking lots and buildings for nearly the entire site of a military base:
All affected electrical switchboards and panels throughout the military base were field surveyed to determine the existing conditions and source of power for the new light fixtures.
Available underground site utilities drawings were studied in order to avoid interruptions to the existing conditions and for preparation of construction drawings which showed the new underground feeders.
Photometric lighting calculations which were prepared for all new LED light fixtures serving the roadways, parking lots and other common areas were reviewed with the owner and user in order to verify compliance with their requirements. The pole mounted light fixtures with battery backups were utilized for the remote areas of the base where power was not available and the cost of providing power was prohibitive.
The cost estimate was prepared at different stages of the design phase. The construction phase services were also performed for this project.