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Cabin John Tennis Courts


ME Engineering

Bethesda, Maryland

Square Footage:

40,800 sq. ft.

The cabin John tennis courts building includes six indoor tennis courts, an administration area (located in the middle of the building separating the tennis courses on both sides), lounge, locker areas and offices. The tennis courts were previously heated by gas fired radiant heaters and ventilated by roof mounted exhaust fans. Our scope of work consisted of mechanical and electrical engineering services for the design, bidding and construction phase services for providing air conditioning, heating and ventilation for the tennis courts:

  • Two forty ton gas fired packaged air conditioning units equipped with economize cycle operations      were selected to serve the tennis courts. The units were located on grade      on concrete pads on both sides of the building with adequate clearances for ventilation air intakes. The insulated (with weatherproof jacket) galvanized ductwork was extended from each unit through the exterior side wall of the building. The return ductwork was connected to the wall mounted return register located close to the floor. The galvanized supply duct riser located against the interior side walls of the building on both sides split into two branches where it was connected to the fabric ductwork distribution system throughout the tennis courts. The location of the fabric duct was coordinated with the roof structural members, light fixtures, roof slope and courts locations.

  • Gas piping was extended to the two gas fired units. Coordination with the Washington gas was performed for the upgrade of the gas service to the building.

  • The electrical modifications were shown on the drawings for extension of power to the two packages air conditioning units.

  • Bidding and construction phase services including review of bids, shop drawing submittals, responses to the contractor’s and owner’s questions, site visits and preparation of lunch out list were performed.

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